United Insurance to auction 1.57 lakh units promoter shares from Poush 03; Minimum bid rate and quantity at Rs 100 and 1000 units respectively

Thu, Dec 12, 2019 12:05 PM on Auction, Latest, Stock Market,

United Insurance Company (UIC) is selling its 1,57,649 units promoter share in an auction to the general public from Poush 03, 2076 to Poush 10, 2076 3:00 PM.

In the previous auction, all the ordinary shares were sold but no bid was received for promoter shares.

The interested applicants can bid by submitting A/C Payee cheque or Manager's Cheque with their application form. Or they can attach a voucher by depositing the amount at the following account:

Bank: NMB Bank
Account name: NMBCL-RIGHT UICNL 2075/76
Account number: 0010005401002563

The minimum bid rate is at Rs 100 and the minimum bid quantity is at 1000 units.

The company had issued 240% (1:2.4) right shares for its shareholders from Bhadra 03, 2076 to Ashoj 23, 2076.

NMB Capital Limited has been appointed as the issue manager for the issue.

The existing paid-up capital of the company is Rs 30.24 crore and after the 240% right shares issue and auction, the paid-up capital will rises to Rs 102.81 crore.
