Nepse's directs shareholders to not trade securities in odd-lot transactions

Mon, May 9, 2022 9:30 PM on Latest, NEPSE News,

The Nepal Stock Exchange (Nepse) has instructed securities firms and stakeholders not to trade odd lots online or offline through the member broker's TMS system. Reminding further that the responsibility for executing securities transactions rests with the authorized member brokers in accordance with the statutory provisions and applicable laws relating to securities transactions.

According to the Nepal Stock Exchange Directive, if shareholders hold more than 10 lots of shares, they are not allowed to sell odd lots. Securities Trading Regulations, 2075, states that securities less than a trading unit (Eg 10 units) are in odd lots, and trading of such securities is known as odd lot trading. However, if a shareholder holds securities that exceed the trading unit (10 units), it is not permitted to trade those securities in odd-numbered transactions.