Bonus Shares of These 6 Companies are Now Listed in NEPSE

48,65,613.17 units bonus shares of Muktinath Bikas Bank Limited (MNBBL) have now been listed in NEPSE. Muktinath Bikas Bank had distributed a 15.51% dividend for the fiscal year 2076/77. The 238th meeting of the board of directors held on Mangsir 21 proposed an 11.25% bonus shares and 4.26% cash dividend from the paid-up capital of Rs. 4,32,49,89,486 for the fiscal year 2076/77.

Similarly, 4,17,450 unit bonus shares of Laxmi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (LLBS) are listed in NEPSE. The company distributed an 8.13% cash dividend and 15% bonus shares from the paid-up capital of Rs. 27,83,00,000. Thus, the cash dividend amounts to Rs. 2,27,03,421 and the bonus shares are worth Rs. 4,17,45,000.

7,17,255 units bonus shares of NLG Insurance Company Limited (NLG) are also listed in NEPSE. The company distributed Rs. 7,17,25,500 worth of bonus shares to its investors. This is 7% of the company's existing paid-up capital before the dividend distribution. Furthermore, a 0.37% cash dividend was also distributed for tax purposes.

4,99,162 units bonus shares of Arun Valley Hydropower Development Company Limited (AHPC) have also been listed. The company had distributed 5% bonus shares and 0.263% cash dividend (for tax purposes) for the fiscal year 2076/77. The same 5% bonus shares are listed.

28,92,341.25 units bonus shares of Himalayan Distillery Limited (HDL) are now listed. The company distributed 50% bonus shares from the paid-up capital. Furthermore, a 50% cash dividend was also distributed on the par value of each share. The listed shares are the same 50% bonus shares.

11,17,683.7957 units bonus shares of Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank Limited (KSBBL) have been listed in NEPSE. The recent AGM of the company endorsed the board’s proposal to provide 4.40% bonus shares worth Rs 11.17 crore and a cash dividend of 0.23% worth Rs 58.42 lakh to its shareholders from the profit it had made in the previous fiscal year. The listed shares are the same 4.4% bonus shares.