"8.5% NMB Rinpatra 2087/2088" Opening From Today

Sun, May 16, 2021 10:18 AM on Latest, Bonds & Debentures,

NMB Bank Limited has opened the issue of "8.5% NMB Rinpatra 2087/2088" from today, i.e. 2nd Jestha. The issue will close on 5th Jestha, 2078. If not fully subscribed by then, the deadline can be extended till Jestha 16.

20,00,000 units are being issued at a par value of Rs.1000 per unit. 12 lakh units of "8.5% NMB Rinpatra 2087/2088" will be subscribed via private placement and the remaining 8 lakh units will be issued to the general public, with a 5% quota for mutual funds.

Investors can apply for a minimum of 25 units and a maximum of 8,00,000 units.

ICRA Nepal has given an issuer rating of [ICRANP-IR] A- to "8.5% NMB Rinpatra 2087/2088," implying an adequate degree of safety regarding timely servicing of financial obligations.

Offer Letter