Womi Microfinance convenes 9th AGM; endorses proposal of 30% dividend and gives nods to acquire Gramin Swyamsewak Laghubitta in swap ratio of 100%

Thu, Jan 14, 2021 5:12 AM on Latest, AGM/Special AGM,

Womi Microfinance has convened its 9th AGM for the FY 2076-77 under the leadership of its chairman Ms. Bindiya Shrestha Pradhan on Poush 28, 2077.

The AGM has endorsed the board’s proposal to provide 30% dividend worth Rs 8.33 crore to its shareholders from the profit it had made in the previous fiscal year.

The AGM also provided approval to acquire Gramin Swyamsebak Laghubitta in the share swap ratio of 1:1, as stated in the media statement.


The microfinance currently has 61 branches in 38 districts serving more than 47K rural households.