Sikles Hydropower Concludes Allotment for Locals IPO Issue on Bhadra 15
Thu, Sep 1, 2022 11:33 AM on Latest, IPO/FPO Result News,

Sikles Hydropower Limited (SLHL) had allotted 8,50,000 units IPO Shares worth Rs. 8.5 crores to the project affected locals of Kaski districts (Madi VDC Ward no. 1, 2, and 3). This IPO was issued to locals from Shrawan 3-Bhadra 15.
Hence, the company is refunding money to non- allottee's/ partial allottee's from Bhadra 20.
BOK Capital Market had been appointed as the issue manager for the IPO issuance.
Locals of Madi VDC ward no. 1, 2, and 3 of Kaski District was allowed to apply for a minimum of 10 shares to a maximum of 1,00,000 shares.
Sikles Hydropower Limited (SLHL) is a public limited company, incorporated in July 28, 2004 as a private limited company and later converted to public limited company in May 17, 2019. The company is setting up 13MW run-of-the-river Madkyu Khola Hydroelectric Project (MKHP) at Kaski District of Nepal. The project came into a commercial operation since April 2, 2018. The project is constructed under BOOT (Build, own, Operate and Transfer) mechanism.
Applicants can check the results via official website of Sikles Hydropower i.e Or