Shikhar Insurance Leads With Record Premium Collection of Rs. 4.89 Arba Till Jestha; How Others Fare in Non-Life Insurance?

Mon, Jun 24, 2024 1:19 PM on Company Analysis, National, Latest,

According to a report released by the Nepal Insurance Authority, during the first eleven months of the fiscal year 2080–81, the non-life insurance firms collected a total of Rs. 36.32 Arba in premiums out of their 2,608,792 total active insurance policies.

The largest premium was collected by Shikhar Insurance Company Limited totaling Rs. 4.89 Arba with the highest number of insurance policies of 285,732. Similar to this, Sagarmatha Lumbini Insurance Co Ltd which has 262,654 insurance policies, received a premium of Rs. 4.29 Arba for its insurance up to Falgun in FY 2080/81.

On the other hand, the National Insurance Company Ltd generated the least amount of premium i.e. Rs. 1.01 Arba, owing to its 30,512 active insurance policies.