NMB Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited to Adjust Share Conversion to 60:40 Ratio

Sun, Apr 28, 2024 10:50 AM on Latest, NEPSE News,

7,214,491.48 units of promoter shares of NMB Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (NMBMF) will be converted into the promoter-to-public shares ratio of the company 60:40.

Currently, the company has 7,214,491.48 shares listed on NEPSE. The existing shareholding structure includes 70% promoter shares, amounting to 5,050,144.04 units, and 30% public shares, totaling 2,164,347.44 units. This will change to 60% promoter shares, equivalent to 4,328,695.04 units, and 40% public shares, now 2,885,796.44 units. The share will be converted after approval from Nepal Rastra Bank.

NMBMF's latest trading price stood at Rs. 589.00.