Bonus Shares of These Two Companies Are Now Listed in NEPSE

3,48,432 units bonus shares of Asha Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (ALBSL) have been listed in NEPSE. The microfinance company distributed Rs. 3,48,43,200 worth of bonus shares for the fiscal year 2076/77. This is 15% of the paid-up capital of Rs. 23,22,88,000. Furthermore, a 0.7894737% cash dividend is also declared for tax purposes during bonus shares distribution. This amounts to a little over Rs. 3.66 lakhs.

The same bonus shares are now listed in NEPSE. As of writing, ALBSL has the last day's closing price of 1,447.

Similarly, 8,33,544 unit bonus shares of Womi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (WOMI) have also been listed in NEPSE. Womi Microfinance recently convened its 9th AGM for the FY 2076-77 under the leadership of its chairman Ms. Bindiya Shrestha Pradhan on Poush 28, 2077. The AGM has endorsed the board’s proposal to provide a 30% dividend worth Rs 8.33 crore to its shareholders from the profit it had made in the previous fiscal year.

The same 30% bonus shares are now listed in NEPSE. While writing this, WOMI has the last day closing price of Rs. 914 per share.