Bonus Shares of These 2 Companies Are Now Listed in NEPSE

11,01,345.29 unit bonus shares of Sagarmatha Insurance Company Limited (SIC) are now in NEPSE.

Sagarmatha Insurance convened its 25th AGM for the FY 2076-77 under the leadership of its chairman Mr. Ramkrishna Manandhar on Asad 30, 2078. The AGM endorsed the board’s proposal to provide 11% bonus shares and 0.5789% cash dividend for taxation purposes.

The same bonus shares are now listed. As of writing, SIC has an LTP of Rs. 1,106.10.

Similarly, 1,62,40,508.91 unit bonus shares of Citizens Bank International Limited (CZBIL) have also been listed in NEPSE.

The company convened its 15th AGM for the FY 2077-78 under the leadership of its chairman Mr. Rajan Singh Bhandari on Kartik 16, 2078. Apart from the regular financial reports, the AGM endorsed the board’s proposal to provide 12.913% bonus shares worth Rs 1.62 Arba and 3.087% cash dividend worth Rs 38.82 crore to its shareholders from the profit it had made in the previous fiscal year.

The same bonus shares are now listed. As of writing, CZBIL has an LTP of Rs. 266.