1,84,50,382.39 Shares of CZBIL Listed After Acquisition of TMDBL

Mon, Jun 14, 2021 5:33 PM on Latest, Share Listed,

1,84,50,382.39 shares of former Tinau Mission Development Bank (TMDBL) are now listed as shares of Citizens Bank International Limited (CZBIL).

After a successful acquisition of Tinau Mission Development Bank (TMDBL), Citizens Bank International Limited (CZBIL) has commenced the joint operation in the name of Citizens Bank International Limited from 14th Chaitra, 2077.

The swap ratio was 100: 96 i.e. every 100 units of TMDBL are equated with 96 units of CZBIL.

NRB gave the final nod on Chaitra 09. CZBIL then organized its 358th board meeting on the same day to decide on the commencement date of the joint transaction.