13.30% Bonus Shares of Machhapuchhre Bank Limited Listed in NEPSE

Tue, Nov 21, 2023 12:07 PM on Latest, Dividend, Bonus & Rights, Share Listed,

1,36,42,017 units of bonus shares of Machhapuchhre Bank Limited (MBL) have been listed in NEPSE.

The company convened its 25th AGM on 16th Ashwin and endorsed a 14% dividend for the fiscal year 2079/80. The meeting of the board of directors held on Bhadra 13 decided to distribute 13.30% bonus shares and 0.70% cash dividend (for tax purposes).

The same bonus shares are now listed in NEPSE.

MBL has total 116,213,573 shares listed in the stock exchange, out of this 59,268,922 (51.00%) are promoter shares and remaining 56,944,651 (49.00%) public shares. 

MBL closed at Rs. 197 yesterday.