NEPSE Gains Impressive 32.30 Points to Close at 1,877.32; Two Scrips Hit Positive Circuit

Thu, May 18, 2023 3:08 PM on Stock Market, Latest,

The NEPSE index closed at 1,877.32 today after gaining 32.30 points from the last trading day's closing. This is a gain of 1.75%. The index gained 23.39 points yesterday.

Today the index opened at 1,846.69 and made an intraday low of 1,844.50. In contrast, it went as high as 1,883.20 and ultimately closed at 1,877.32.

264 scrips traded hands via 32,579 transactions. A total of 4,422,186 shares exchanged hands amounting to Rs. 1.47 Arba in turnover amount. This is higher than the last trading day's turnover of Rs. 85.76 Crores.

Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited (NTC) had the highest turnover of Rs. 8.63 crores closing at a market price of Rs. 779.20 per share. The shares of SHIVM traded the most.

Two scrips gained the highest 10% each and hit the positive circuit for the day.

Conversely, NIBL Growth Fund (NIBLGF) lost the highest 3.14% today.

All sector indices closed green, "Hotels and Tourism" gained the highest 3.75% while "Others" gained the least 0.90% today.