IPO of Balephi Hydropower Closes With 15.73 Times Oversubscription

Mon, Apr 4, 2022 5:13 PM on IPO/FPO News, Latest,

Balephi Hydropower Limited has successfully concluded its IPO issue.

The hydropower company opened its IPO issue on 16th Chaitra. The issue closed at the early closing date today, i.e. on 21st Chaitra, 2078, at the end of banking hours.

18,27,970 shares were issued at a par value of Rs. 100 per unit. 4% of the total issue, i.e. 73,119 units were allocated for employees while 5%, i.e. 91,398 units for mutual funds. The rest 16,63,453 shares are for the individual public.

According to CDSC, 22,64,378 applicants have applied for a total of 2,61,71,390 units. This is the data reported at 5: 09 today after the issue had closed. Thus, the issue has been oversubscribed over 15.73 times.